I used to write something every day to low-key advertise my book created with a deck of tarot cards- based on a bunch of selfies created over an eleven-year span.
It is still my biggest creation yet, as it was created out of anger and frustration from processing the current state of affairs in the United States (global warming, Covid, systemic racism) to name a few.
As I am in the process of bringing awareness and becoming intentional about unlearning old schools of thought such as colonialization or capitalism, as well as perhaps redefining the word “professionalism” as my spiritual purpose becomes more defined.
How I see myself becomes more defined. I am grateful to bring awareness to key things that need to change. I want clean water, I want others to have clean water. I want to waste less, I want this country to waste less of the resources that currently exist.
Focus on what is, and let go of what is not, no matter how attached the idea allures, it also creates a toxic wasteland that is just beyond the neighborhood dump.
I feel that too many distractions have been created to cause others to not see what is happening right in front of them, and that is an issue. I understand the need to not dwell, and I didn’t mean to turn this post update into a rant….
Have a good one!